IslandHealth Forms & Information
Surgery Hours
Mon - Fri - 8.00am - 6.00pm
Sat - 8.00am - 12.00pm at St Sampsons
Thurs until 7pm at Town Surgery
Contact Us
L'Aumone Surgery
(+44 1481) 256517
St Sampson's Surgery
(+44 1481) 245915
Town Surgery
(+44 1481) 724747
Pay Online
Online Payment Facility
Complaints & Suggestions
The doctors, other practitioners and staff of IslandHealth make every effort to provide the highest standard of treatment and care to patients and their families.
Sometimes you may feel that we have fallen short of this ideal or that the system has not provided what you require.
We appreciate any constructive suggestions that you may have and have a robust complaints procedure that ensures any issues raised are appropriately investigated.
If you have any suggestions for improving the way the practice operates, please please click the following link :
You can also put them in writing addressed to: Mr. Andrew Carey, Practice Manager, St Sampsons Medical Centre, Grande Maisons Road, St Sampson’s, Guernsey, GY2 4JS.
Furthermore, if you are unhappy with any aspect of our service or your treatment, please contact the practice manager or your doctor, who will be happy to listen to your suggestions or criticisms.
Please click on the link below to see our complaints procedure.
Complaints Procedure

Practice Manager
Mr. Andrew Carey is our practice manager and he is in charge of the administration and efficient running of the practice.
He will be pleased to assist you with any concerns.
IslandHealth Privacy Notice
Healthcare professionals who provide you with care are required by law to maintain records about your health and any treatment or care you have received. These records help us to provide you with the best possible medical care. This privacy notice explains why IslandHealth collects information about patients and how we keep it safe and confidential, and how that information may be used.
Subject Access Requests
Under the Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2017, you are entitled to request a copy of the information the Practice holds about you.
The best way to do this is by completing the form below as it ensures we have all the information required to process your application – this process is known as making a ‘subject access request’.
Once completed the form can be emailed, posted or dropped in to any of our surgeries.
Most requests will be processed within one month, unless they are identified as complex, in which case the Practice has three months to complete the request.
If you require help completing this form or for further information regarding subject access requests please contact us.